At the start of the week, i never feel that i know where i am going with my writing: the landscape is open wide in front of my.
Sometimes inspiration strikes as i cycle River to school, or at other times it requires the first cup (or two) of coffee to find me…
It’s not that i have no ideas: usually the opposite. Finding a focus is the challenge.
As you start your week, in which direction are you facing.
Use your sixty seconds today to consider your destination: are you seeking to just ‘make it through’ before a holiday, or to achieve a specific thing, to learn something, to help someone, or just to see where it takes you?
We do not always need laser focus: finding emergence, or letting curiosity guide us may be more productive than we imagine.
If you want to take a deeper dive into my broader work, i’ve started a semi regular update with ‘The Captain’s Log’, here.
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