
Day #606- Thought and Thinking

End of the Beginning

I’ve spent the last eleven days solidly working on my thesis, and last night i completed the first full draft. Not the one that i will submit - i’m sure there is a full edit to complete and a thousand commas to tinker with. But it’s a complete story.

When i finish writing a book, there is always an odd moment when you think it is complete.

It’s the moment when it stops being a living and dynamic space of thinking, to simply being something that i thought.

Use your sixty seconds today to consider this: where do you do your dynamic thinking, and where do you just rely on what you thought?

Of course we have to capture some things, to stop working on them. That’s how we create beautiful books. But also it’s good to know under what conditions we would recognise that we need to go back to write them anew.

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