At times it has been easy to write Social Leadership Daily. And at other times it has been really hard. It has felt effortless, or sometimes forced. Kind of a feeling that i have no idea what to say that will be helpful, original, relevant, or clever enough.
So my own journey here - in a dialogue with my practice - has partly been to acknowledge this truth. That ‘being in dialogue with your practice’ is easy to say, but that it’s not always an easy conversation.
I originally learnt this when i wrote the book “Social Leadership: my 1st 100 days”, where i was determined to anchor the ideas of my work into some really practical things that you could do… but that meant that i had to come up with really practical things… which was hard. Grounding ideas into practice.
Six years later, i’m more grounded with my imperfection. If it’s hard, that’s ok. It’s only hard because i’m trying to leave the landscape that i know.
Use your sixty seconds today to consider this: do you feel that areas of your practice are so easy you can do them with your eyes shut, whilst other things really challenge you? And how do you feel about that?
And is the challenge always good, or sometimes just frustrating, or even dangerous?
I hope you’ve all had a great week.
Welcome to Trudy, Sophy, Harriet and Katie, who have all joined our community this week. You are very welcome in this space.
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