
A whole new week stretches ahead of me: i should really feel energetic and ready to change the world, but truth be told i’m a bit tired and lacking momentum (i am only on my first coffee… perhaps things will pick up…)

This is ok: there is a world full of perfect people, somewhere, but i don’t live in it.

This does not mean i’m lazy, unfocused, or don’t care (although i am human, so at times i guess i can be those things too). Life is just busy.

So there are two version of me: the perfect one, which i hope you all see, and the real one, which is writing these words.

Use your sixty seconds today to consider the two versions of you: how much time do you have to project perfection, and where can you truly be yourself?

If you are already perfectly perfect, you can skip todays reflection, and i’ll see you tomorrow.