At the conference yesterday I spent time with a number of people who I have not seen for a while: sharing stories, listening, sharing.
Sometimes we swapped things: stories, books, ideas.
Our conversations looked backwards, thinking about where we met, and checking in on family, and looking forwards, to the things we are excited about right now.
We weave our Social Context, through these small actions, and over time it makes a complex tapestry. Then within that complexity, we lead, learn, and evolve.
Use your sixty seconds today to consider what actions you take today to weave your own social context.
Just stop for a moment and think who you have shared a simple story with, or asked a question of. Not a work or project based question, but something about them, their reality, or hopes and aspirations, or your own.
Consider how long you spent on this (a single WhatsApp message, or snatched conversation before a meeting started?) and what it gives you over the longer term.
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