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Day #648 - Late... again

And Quiet Leadership is live

I’ll admit that I’m late again publishing todays question, but I have a good excuse… I’ve finally finished the new self directed Quiet Leadership course over on Udemy.

I’ve never built one before, because the joy of that work is in the conversation and the experience, together, but I get people asking me all the time if there are recordings, or who want to do it but simply cannot free up the time. So finally I’ve made a video based course, which probably lasts about two hours in total.

If you want to give it a test drive you can find the programme here, and if you ping me a note i’ll send you a voucher code to get free access! Forgive me sharing it, but i’m quite proud of how it’s turned out!

So that’s why I’m late… and our question?

Use your sixty seconds today today to celebrate an achievement.

After I finished the course, I went out for a coffee and took my book. Only for 30 minutes, but it was my reward to myself. I had been promising it to myself when I was bogged down in video editing, and it felt good to do it!

So what will you celebrate? Remember, this work is about the smallest of actions, so you can celebrate something big, or very very small. The point is that you are recognising your efforts.

And it’s ok to have a cake with it.

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Social Leadership - Daily
Social Leadership - Daily
Social Leadership Daily provides 60 seconds of questions, ideas, experiments and challenges to support your development as a Social Leader.
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Julian Stodd