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Day #652 - Safety

And how we find trust

I realised yesterday that I feel very comfortable in this community. I treat it like a safe space, even though we have never agreed, explicitly, that it is.

Some of you I have met in person, some I know from online spaces, but most of you I have never met at all. And yet here we are.

I was writing about ‘Trust’ when I had this thought, reminded of something I had written for ‘The Trust Guidebook’ almost five years ago: that trust is a judgement.

Because I have never been ‘caught out’ in this space, because I have never had anything but acceptance here, I judge it to be safe.

Use your sixty seconds today to consider this: think of a space where you feel safe, and why.

Trust is complicated, and often catches us out. But we invest it, sometimes wisely, and it gives us something in return. A space to belong.

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Julian Stodd