
Today is a Reflection day: I’ve been travelling and busy all week - as I’m sure have you - so I’m pausing to look back at my footprints and see where I have been. What difference have I made this week.

It does not have to be much: I’m not imagining I’ve changed the world, but I’ve had conversations and created things. I look at what I carry forwards - an inbox that is out of control and some connections and conversations.

Use your sixty seconds today to reflect on the footprints you have led this week.

And how they fit into the broader journey - this month, this year, across your life.

This is a community in a dialogue with our practice - so we are action focussed, not purely reflective. But reflection is a foundation of actions, and hence, today, we pause.

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Welcome to Debs, Gil, Kashmir and everyone else who joins us here for the first time: you are very welcome in this community


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