I’m very close to completing the manuscript of a short book called ‘The Unreconciled Self - A Planetary Philosophy’, but I’m extremely uncertain about the text.
I have described this work as an outlier. It’s neither core to my work, not in any kind of commercial space. If anything, it’s a very personal reflection, and I honestly don’t know if it will land, or be valuable, to anyone else.
And so I have turned to my community, sharing a draft of the work with four or five of the people whose opinions I trust. Not people who will just tell me that it’s good, but rather people who will offer critique, but whom I trust enough to take it from.
I guess I am using my friends to find my way.
Use your sixty seconds today to consider how you find your own way, when you are uncertain.
Do you look for precedent, or rules? For validation, vindication, or challenge? And from where?
I do not need safety, but equally I do not wish to look like a fool - a situation which is common for most of us when we are exploring new ideas. It is in this sense that I describe Social Leadership as being ‘in the arms of a community’.
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