To be in dialogue with our practice is to look just ahead, and just behind. This work is not about dramatic perspectives, but rather the smallest of actions.
I note that i have been all over the place the last few days: nothing exceptional, just very busy, with young children, and the same stresses as everyone else. So i’ve had my head down. Pushing forward.
I’m good at that: if push comes to shove, i can just dig deep.
But to retain reflective practice is difficult. It feels like a luxury, a distraction, a task, or simply pointless. Better to be busy.
This is a central question for us, in this community: are we in dialogue with our practice on a continual basis, or is it a luxury for the idle mind?
Use your sixty seconds today to consider this: are you ever too busy to be engaged in your practice? And what does that cost you?
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